How to Search
We offer several ways to find listing comp records
Gary McNeel
Last Update 3 months ago
Real Estate Comp allows you to find records using various search criteria. Currently you can search by:
- Address
- Zip Code
- Subdivision
- REC Number
- Agent Name
When searching, we use an autocomplete search method. As you type, we are already searching for the compensation record. A dropdown list, similar to how Google Maps works, appears below the search box.
Once you see what you are searching for, select that record in the dropdown. This sets that as the record to be shown. Once you select it, click the search button.
No record found for search
There may be instances in which the search button is pushed before selecting from the dropdown. This may result in no record being found. If it was not in the dropdown list it is likely that information is not available.
To correct this, retype the search and select the appropriate record from the dropdown list.
Another instance is when the listing has been removed. You may have an expired link to a past listing that has been removed. In this case, the record is no longer available for viewing.